The difficult second album
Well, not really.
We're back for 2013. The date for your diaries, is at the top of every page of the site, Friday 2 August.
We'll be building on the successes of 2012, and trying to make year two just as good, or even better. So, I don't think we will have the second album jitters.
If you want an idea of what last year's event was like, here's Chris Chan's notes, and if you want to go more in-depth, go and have a look at LAST 2012's Lanyrd page. We have just set up the Lanyrd page for 2013, too.
Craig will be leading on the schedule for the day, so keep an eye out here and on our Twitter account for updates for that. You can also join our mailing list. Start thinking what you would like to teach the community, and what you could learn from the community! Rememeber, there are no attendees at LAST, we're ALL contributors.
We need financial support from companies, in order to keep the event low cost, so if your organisation would like to sponsor us, please let me know, via our contact form, or by the other, usual means.
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